







See what happens to policeman who stopped President's Convoy for ambulance to pass

It has been gathered that a traffic police officer took a bold decision to stop the president's convoy in order to allow an ambulance pass.

In a turn of events, a traffic police officer in India won the hearts of people with a single act that eventually won him some commendation instead of possibilities of being sacked from his job.

The officer identified as Sub-Inspector ML Nijalingappa, was working at his post at the Bengaluru Trinity Circle when the Indian president's convoy appeared at the busy junction.

Almost at the same time, an ambulance handling emergency services for a private hospital near HAL showed up looking for room to pass through. The traffic officer made a precise decision to stop the president's convoy, in order to allow the ambulance pass.

Instead of facing some sort of punishment for 'daring' to stop President Pranab Mukherjee's convoy, the Bengaluru police announced a reward for him. 

Taking to Twitter, the deputy commissioner of police overseeing the traffic east division, Abhei Goyal, praised the officer. The commissioner of police, Praveen Sood also tweeted his praise.

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