







See Gov.t official who was buried with N17 million to bribe God(photos)

- A government official in Uganda has been buried with millions of shillings in order to bribe God in the hereafter. 

- The man who was an employee in the Ministry of Public Service was buried with Ugandan Shillings 200 million (N17 million) 

The man identified as, Charles Obong, who planned to bribe God in other to enter heaven was buried with Ugandan Shillings 200 million (N17 million).

It was reported that the money was supposed to be used by the deceased to ask for forgiveness for his sins on earth. 

In his will, Obong stated that the money had been deposited to his wife, asking her to put it in his coffin during his burial. 

Obong who was buried in a metallic coffin estimated to have cost nearly N15 million, had also ordered in the will that his brother and sister should be present to ensure his wife follows his testament to the letter and secure the money in his coffin.

The wife had also planned to bury him with another Ugandan Shillings 300 million (N25 million) so that he could enjoy it in heaven.

According to Daily monitor, he had feared that his sins during his time in the government service would condemn him to hell. 

"He planned to convey the money to God as an offertory so that the Almighty Father could forgive his sins and save him from hellfire."