







BOKO HARAM releases new video, Shekau claims to be holding policewomen hostage

A new Boko Haram video has emerged showing the leader of the sect

The leader of the sect who has been rumored dead, says his men were responsible for an attack on a military convoy earlier in June

Shekau claimed that the sect also abducted some police women
Emerging reports suggest that some policewomen have been abducted by the Boko Haram sect.

This was made known in a new video released by the Boko Haram jihadists.

In the video released ​through a journalist, Ahmad Salkida​, ​the sect’s leader, Abubakar Shekau spoke for about 10 minutes‎​.

He said several female officers were abducted​​ during​ ​Boko Haram attack on a joint police/military convoy near Maiduguri​ on June 20.

His speech is then followed by scenes of the fierce attack, which took place on the Maiduguri-Damboa road.

In the 17 minutes and 25 seconds video, graphic contents of one of the terror victims are shown, as well as images of another set of victims perhaps about to be beheaded​.

Shekau,​ ​takes credit for the attack and ​mocked Nigerian security officials for lying that Boko Haram had been defeated. ‎

“I want to tell you that we are the one that attacked the convoy, here are the vehicles for all to witness, we are the ones that abducted the female police officers​. ​I​n fact, they are senior female police officers,” ​Shekau boasted.

“What we did is nothing when compared to our women, children, and friends that have been wiped out or arrested for many years by the Nigerian government.

We only abducted them to serve as slaves to us,”‎ he added. He also declares that the women his group abducted are fewer than 10 in number, and referred to them as “slaves”.

Boko Haram terrorists reportedly killed eight Chadian soldiers during a fierce clash at the weekend. The incident occurred on islands on Lake Chad, which borders four countries on the edge of the Sahara, Guardian reports.

Chad’s army confirmed the incident on Monday, June 26. Its spokesman, Colonel Azem, disclosed that eight soldiers were killed and another 18 were wounded.

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