The new feature will be available this fall with the release of iOS 11.
Apple unveiled a new iPhone feature this week that aims to cut down on the number of distracted drivers.
“Do Not Disturb While Driving” setting will automatically silence
incoming texts and notifications while an iPhone is connected to a car
via Bluetooth or cable, the tech giant announced Monday.
which will be available in fall 2017 with the release of Apple’s mobile
operating system iOS 11, will allow users to send autotomatic replies
to contacts attempting to reach them while they are behind the wheel.
The auto-reply messages will consist of two responses, according to New York Magazine.
The first will read: “I’m driving with Do Not Disturb turned on. I’ll
see your message when I get where I’m going,” followed by: “If this is
urgent, reply ‘urgent’ to send a notification through with your original
At least eight people are killed and 1,161 others injured
in crashes related to distracted driving every day, according to the
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. In 2016, the number of
traffic deaths increased 6 percent from the year before, with transportation safety experts pointing to distracted driving as a major factor.
Many took to Twitter to praise Apple for its latest safety feature.
Joel Feldman, founder of the advocacy group End Distracted Driving,
said Apple “missed an opportunity to be a leader in saving lives” by
failing to take action earlier.
He added that he hopes other smartphone manufacturers like Samsung and Nokia “will do even more to protect us.”