







Nigeria's rank in technology - Ogbonnaya Onu

– Dr Ogbonnaya Onu has revealed Nigeria’s rank in technological readiness
– Nigeria currently ranks 117 out of 140 countries on innovation
– The minister also pointed out that Nigeria should aim for the best technologically

The Nigerian minister of Science and technology, Dr Ogbonnaya Onu, has revealed how Nigeria ranks in the world when it comes to technological readiness. Quoting the global competitiveness report for 2015/2016, Onu said Nigeria recorded a score of 3.0 out of 7 and ranked 106 out of 140 countries on technological readiness and a score of 2.8 out of 7 with a rank of 117 out of 140 countries on innovation.
While speaking at a policy dialogue with private sector organised by the Nigeria Economic Submit Group (NESG), he said: “It is worth pointing out that 13 of the countries that ranked among the top 20 in the Global Competitive Index also ranked among the top 20 in the rankings of the Technological Readiness and Innovation Pillars.
They are Switzerland, Singapore, United States of America, Germany, Netherlands, Japan, Finland, Sweden, United Kingdom, Norway, Denmark, Belgium and Luxembourg.

When we look at the MINT countries of Mexico, Indonesia, Nigeria and Turkey, apart from the fact that the other three are doing much better than us in competitiveness, they rank far above Nigeria in the rankings on Technological Readiness and Innovation. We should aim to be the best for only the best is good enough for Nigeria. We can no longer continue to depend on others. The time has come for us to be self-reliant and also be competitive enough for others to depend on us at least in some areas. This will nourish our national pride.
Closing the development gap will depend on closing the existing STI investment gaps. While a target of 1% of GDP for Research and Development, RD, is perceived as high by many governments, countries with strong and effective STI systems invest up to 3.5% of their GDP in RD.

If countries wish to break the poverty cycle and achieve Sustainable Development Goals SDGs, they will have to set up ambitious national minimum target investment for STI.”
It is worth pointing out that the recent visit of the Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg, will cause positive changes in the Nigerian technological and software sectors.
When the Zuckerberg-Chan initiative in June 2016 invested $24 million in the Nigerian company Andela, it caused quite a stir in the software and IT companies. Mark Zuckerberg was betting on something big, coming out of Nigeria.