







Priest encourages parents to allow children drink alcohol

A Catholic priest has reportedly asked parents to encourage their children drink alcohol to enable them have control over the vice.
According to reports, a Ugandan priest identified as Rev Fr Stephen Sserunjogi of the Lubaga Cathedral Parish, Kampala Archdiocese, has asked parents to allow their children drink alcohol before they become adults, in order to cultivate the act of controlling themselves where drinking is concerned.
The priest reportedly said this while celebrating a mass at Musigula village in Kampala. He also said parents should only give them advice, but not help them decide whether it is wrong or right.
Here’s what he said:
“Children, especially those above 18, have to be taught self-control and how to protect their lives by not drinking too much. Just talking badly about alcohol will be of little help. Let them have some beers or wine and decide for themselves whether it’s good or bad.”. A member of the church who identified himself as 69-year-old Charles Lwanga, concurred to the teaching saying how some parents make the mistake of thinking they are protecting their children by hiding the drinks away from their reach.
He said: “Such parents fail to face the facts on the ground. They think by giving alcohol all sorts of bad names will protect the kids.” Is he right or wrong? post your own opinion.

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